Jeannie van Vianen
MS Student
I first visited the International Crane Foundation in high school. At the time, it was a turning point in my life- I learned that conservation was a real job that people had. I didn’t imagine that I would end up working with cranes! I did my undergraduate degree at Michigan Technological University. My primary undergraduate research focused on plant herbivory and fitness, but I was involved with many bird projects as well, including leading our university’s bird window collision project for two years. After graduating, I spent a year interning in the National Wildlife Refuge system, split between Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR and St. Marks NWR. While these positions helped me to find a passion for herps, I was still primarily interested in working with birds. I especially enjoyed working with the nonmigratory Mississippi Sandhills. I began interning in the North America Program in the spring of 2018, and stayed on through fall of 2019. During this time, I mainly focused on the Whooping Cranes of the reintroduced Eastern Migratory Population. Perhaps because I started with nonmigratory cranes, all aspects of migration and wintering grounds fascinated me. This interest led me to my current project- analyzing videos of wintering Whooping Cranes in the EMP as well as the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population to see how birds in these two populations use habitats available to them.
Contact Information
BS in Biological Sciences with minors in Ecology, Spanish from Michigan Technological University (Fall 2016)
Malon, M., M. Hederman, C. Hinze, and V. van Vianen*. 2016. Apple Canyon Lake Watershed Based Management Plan. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
Professional Presentations and Posters
van Vianen, V.*, A. Lacy, and E. Smith. 2020. Video behavior analysis of two wintering populations of Whooping Crane using Program BORIS. 15th North American Crane Workshop.
van Vianen, V.*, and E. Hersch-Green. 2016. The Effects of Increased Anthropogenic Nitrogen on Plant Characteristics and Herbivory. Michigan Tech Undergraduate Research Expo poster session.
van Vianen, V.*, and E. Hersch-Green. 2016. The Effects of Increased Anthropogenic Nitrogen on Plant Characteristics and Herbivory. Michigan Tech Ecosystem Science Center Student Research Forum poster session.
Scholarships & fellowships
Michigan Technological University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2015
Michigan Technological University Phi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award, 2015
Winter Behavior in Two Populations of Migratory Whooping Cranes