Current research
- Wisconsin elk project
- UW urban canid project
- Whooping cranes
- Mitigating wildlife hazards to Wisconsin’s general aviation airports
- Environmental cues for migration in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Great Lakes region
- Microsite Management for White-tailed Deer: Social and Ecological Consideration for Using Small Scale Management to Reach Landscape-level Goals
- Wildlife conservation in China
- Deer migration in the Great Lakes Region
- Large Mammal Distributions Relative to Human Settlements Bordering an Important Protected Area in Borneo
- Habitat and population connectivity of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) in Nepal’s Community Forests
- Age structure effects and population control in urban/suburban white-tailed deer
- Wildlife occupancy dynamics on the Apostle Islands
Completed projects
- Spatiotemporal activity patterns of the carnivore community of Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands
- Wolf survival and population dynamics in the Great Lakes region
- Adult deer survival patterns in contrasting Wisconsin landscapes
- Deer fawn survival in Wisconsin
- Cougar predation habits in Wyoming
- Apostle Island Deer Populations in Wisconsin
- Flying squirrel nesting ecology
- Wolf damage deterrents in Wisconsin
- Black bear population dynamics in Wisconsin
- Wolf feeding habits in the Great Lakes region
- Coyote and fox ecology in Illinois
- Deer ecology and management in Illinois
- Sandhill crane population dynamics in central Wisconsin
- Hunter recruitment in Wisconsin
- Deer fawn dispersal patterns in contrasting Wisconsin landscapes
- Furbearer population status in northern Wisconsin
- Wolf ecology and monitoring in Wisconsin