Michael Menon
MS Student
I moved to Wisconsin from the Georgia coast. Prior to that I was in Dubuque, Iowa for a few years. Before living in Iowa, I lived in Athens, Georgia. I received my BA in Political Science from the University of Georgia. I currently work for the Wisconsin DOT at the Bureau of Aeronautics where I work on improving safety at airports through the mitigation of wildlife hazards to aviation. While aviation has always been a part of my career, my interest in natural resource conservation developed after graduating college when I had the opportunity to work for several summers in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji for the University of Georgia’s Discover Abroad program which focuses on sustaining human societies and the natural environment. I am excited to be able combine my aviation background with my interest in natural resources as I pursue my graduate degree at the Nelson Institute under the guidance of David Drake. My thesis research focuses on identifying the driving factors behind wildlife presence in the airport environment and modeling wildlife strike probability. I like to spend my spare time traveling, hiking, and birding. Madison is an awesome place, and I feel very fortunate to have landed here!
Contact Information
Email: mvmenon@wisc.edu
BS in Political Science from the University of Georgia
Mitigating wildlife hazards to Wisconsin’s general aviation airports