Jamie Goethlich
PhD Student
I am a PhD student investigating the relationships between different management strategies, white-tailed deer populations, and vegetative communities in the northeastern US. I recently completed my MS at Auburn University, where I studied the effects of abiotic factors (e.g. temperature, barometric pressure, moon phase) on deer activity in South Carolina. Prior to attending graduate school, I earned his BS in Biology and Natural Resources from Northland College in Ashland, WI, and worked as a technician on projects ranging from investigating diet selection of slimy sculpins in northern Alaska to determining the location of moose calf births and deaths using movement behavior of GPS-collared cow moose in northeastern Minnesota. As a Wisconsin native, I am excited to return to my home state for my PhD. My free time is spent hunting, fishing, and spending time outdoors in the woods and on the waters that inspired my passion for wildlife.
Contact Information
Email: goethlich@wisc.edu
MS in Wildlife Sciences – Auburn University, Auburn, AL (May 2020)
Thesis title: Effects of abiotic factors on white-tailed deer activity in South Carolina
BS in Biology & Natural Resources: Wildlife Ecology and Management – Northland College, Ashland, WI (May 2015)
Goethlich, J.L.*, S.S. Ditchkoff, B.A. Collier, W.D. Gulsby, C.R. Ruth, and J.B. Raglin. In prep. Effects of abiotic factors on activity of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in South Carolina.
Olson, E.R, J.L. Goethlich*, and B. Goudos-Weisbecker. In prep. Anticipatory human attitude survey describes attitudes towards a large, transient carnivore, Puma concolor, prior to recolonization.
Obermoller, T.R., G.D. DelGiudice, W.J. Severud, B.D. Smith, J.L. Goethlich*, and R.A. Willaert. 2017. Using movement behavior of female moose to estimate survival and cause-specific mortality of calves in northeastern Minnesota. Pages 98–109 in L.Cornicelli, M. Carstensen, G. D’Angelo, M. A. Larson, and J. S. Lawrence, editors. Summaries of Wildlife Research Findings 2015. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, USA.
Professional Presentations and Posters
Olson, E.R. and J.L. Goethlich*. Attitudes towards a large, transient carnivore, Puma concolor, prior to recolonization. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, February 2019, Rothschild, WI.
Goethlich, J.L.* and S.S. Ditchkoff. Hunter Lunacy or Reality: Do White-tailed Deer Adjust Activity with the Moon. Poster. Weaver Lecture Research Forum, October, 2018, Auburn, AL.
Fisher, M., K. Winter, J.L. Goethlich*, and E.R. Olson. Limitations on Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) Scansorial Behavior. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, March 2016, Rothschild, WI.
Arts, K., M. Krause, J. L. Goethlich*, S. McCabe, and E.R. Olson. Habitat use of Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) in Northern Wisconsin. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, March 2016, Rothschild, WI.
Goethlich, J.L.*, S.L. Klobucar, D.H. Ogle, and P. Budy. The Effects of Experimental Lake Fertilization on Condition and Diet of Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in Oligotrophic Arctic Lakes, North Slope, AK. Poster. Northland College Honors Day Poster Session, April, 2015, Ashland, WI.
Goethlich, J.L.*, S.L. Klobucar, D.H. Ogle, and P. Budy. The Effects of Experimental Lake Fertilization on Condition and Diet of Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in Oligotrophic Arctic Lakes, North Slope, AK. Oral Presentation. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 44th annual meeting, February 2015, Eau Claire, WI.
Goethlich, J.L.*, S.L. Klobucar, and P. Budy. Diet Composition and Size Structure of Slimy Sculpins (Cottus cognatus) in Fertilized and Unfertilized Arctic Lakes. Oral Presentation. Annual Toolik Field Station REU Presentation Day, August 2014, North Slope, AK.