Haley Frater
PhD Student
I am investigating the ecological and social considerations of small-scale forest management to achieve landscape level white-tailed deer and forest management goals. I received my master’s degree from Iowa State University where I studied the impact of prescribed burning for oak regeneration on forest structure, white-footed mice, and black-legged ticks. After completing my master’s, I worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service developing a monitoring and management protocol for oak savannas, a project I am still involved with today. I have also worked for the University of Wisconsin – Stout as an Environmental Science lecturer and as an ecological modeling research assistant at the University of Iceland. In addition to pursuing my PhD, I also work as the Outreach Program Manager for the College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family hiking, camping, and traveling.
Contact Information
Email: hfrater@wisc.edu
MS in Wildlife Ecology – Iowa State University
Thesis: Impact of prescribed burning for oak regeneration on forest vegetation, white-footed mouse populations, and Lyme disease prevalence
BS in Wildlife Ecology and Management and Biology – University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Randall, J., and H. Underberg (Frater)*. 2010. Developing a Prescribed Fire Burn Plan: Elements & Considerations. Iowa State University Extension Publication PMR2088A.
Randall, J., and H. Underberg (Frater)*. 2010. Considerations for Prescribed Burning: Tools and Safety Gear. Iowa State Extension Publication PMR2088B.
Randall, J., and H. Underberg (Frater)*. 2010. Considerations for Prescribed Burning: Timing a Prescribed Burn. Iowa State Extension Publication PMR2008C.
Professional Presentations and Posters
Doruska, P., Petrillo, H., Cook J., Frater, H.*, Kubish, B., Abbatacola, M. and the other UW-Stevens Point Forestry Faculty & Staff. 2020. Developing an Anti-harassment Statement and Incorporating It Within the Forestry Program in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (poster). 13th Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources. March 12-14, 2020 at the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana and virtually via Zoom.
Demchik, M., H. Frater*, S. Hygnstrom, and M. Esser. 2020. Timber Marking for Wildlife Habitat: Teaching students how to optimize timber harvests to reach habitat goals. Accepted Oral Presentation. Wisconsin State Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Rapids, WI.
Frater, H.*, L. Gharis, and M. Demchik. 2018. Assessing Knowledge and Aptitude Acquired by Students during a Forestry Immersion Experience. Accepted Oral Presentation. Society of American Foresters Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Butek, R., K. Olson, P. Cooper, E. Lind, B. Hogseth, P. Frater*, and H. Frater. 2016. Impact of Forest Harvesting on the State-Threatened Cerulean Warbler and Northern Forest Songbird Communities. Poster Presentation. Chippewa County Forest Annual Meeting, Chippewa Falls, WI.
Frater, H.*, J. Randall, and J. Blanchong. 2011. Impact of Prescribed Burning on White-footed Mice, Black-legged Ticks, and Borrelia burgdorferi. Oral Presentation. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Frater, H.*, J. Randall, J. Blanchong, and L. Bartholomay. 2010. Impact of Prescribed Burning for Oak Regeneration on White Footed Mice Populations. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Frater, H.*, J. Randall, J. Blanchong, and L. Bartholomay. 2010. Impact of Prescribed Burning for Oak Regeneration on White Footed Mice. Poster Presentation. Society of American Foresters Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Frater, H.* and J. Randall. 2009. Oak Wilt. Tri-state Forestry Conference, Sinsinawa Mound, WI.
Frater, H.* and K. Duren. 2008. Presence of Novel Parasites in Wisconsin Weasels. 2008. UWSP Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stevens Point, WI.
Scholarships and Fellowships
CNR Outstanding Outreach Educator
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation J.N. “Ding” Darling Scholarship Recipient (2010)
Best Oral Presentation – UWSP Undergraduate Research Symposium (2008)
Wisconsin Traditional Archers Scholarship Recipient (2008)
Whitetails Unlimited Scholarship Recipient (2007)
Waukesha County Conservation Alliance Scholarship Recipient (2006)
Curriculum Vitae